Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mr.P's candle lit evening

Hello..  :)

(No matter how many times I say this, it always feels the same childish excitement as it did the when I said the first "hello" to you!)

Well, first thing I must make clear is that the photographs in this post are not during a power cut off in my locality. They have been taken in some vaguely thought setups. So please do not make any mental picture of how the idea of this post came to Mr.P, it just did! Thats it! :)

In this not a very long post, the idea of this first picture came to Mr.P was when I went to the kitchen to get some biscuits (what? its not a sin to feel a little hungry at 9pm, is it?). Mr.P saw the candle on the rack and that was it! He ran in (without any biscuit) and made this setup.

There was no wind in that room at that moment which is the reason why the flame was steady. Mr.P didn't know what kind of page to open for this photograph. He just turned the book and the page here in the photograph was the one to which it opened. He didn't think of looking for an alternative. He calls this photo as NIGHT OIL.

Mr.P went down the staircase with the candle held in his hand. He was planning to take some pictures of the stairs and he did it too. But trust me, even someone like me can say that those photoes are nothing but junk. Then he saw this old bicycle of my younger brother, kept at the landing.

My brother used to ride it when he was barely eight or nine. He will be entering college next year. I see this bicycle kept at the same place everyday but looking at it in the candle light made it look very solitary. It looked like as if it is trying to hold the last shred of the LOST DAYS with it, in vain.

Only a few days back, my good friend Sujay asked me if Mr.P has a weakness for the colour of yellow. (Here itself I must tell you that Sujay himself has an eye for beauty and is a marvelous photographer. Click here for Sujay's photographs.) He concluded this after he went through the posts in this blog. I had to think for a while (just a while), then I answered on behalf of Mr.P that he was not wrong. The combination of black and gLOW (golden yelLOW) is something he falls for everytime. The next picture is again a something where Mr.P slipped.

Mr.P was just about to put off the candle and light up the fluorescent tubes. But as he went close to blow it off, he saw the smooth reflection of that long flame on the molten wax. There was little wind which tilted the flame. Mr.P calls this picture TILTED MELT.

Well, to tell the truth, the rest of the snaps were the real trash, so Mr.P decided to not to show them to you.! But, leaving those out, please do comment on how did you like these three picks of the candle lit evening. Coz its always great to know how we are doing.! :) 

Till next time,

Cheers :)