Frustration creeps in when time and again you fall out from doing the most obvious. But when you finally accomplish that obvious piece of task, you cannot help feeling proud. It was about time when I had to do something about the jealousy I used to feel upon looking at people's photograph of the Niagara Falls. Thankfully, I got the company of Ajit, Vachas, Sananda and Ankit to help me out with that.
A six-sitter babe like Chevy Traverse was at least required for that (theoretically) 9 hours of journey from Lexington to Niagara via Pittsburgh. The idea of making a halt at Pittsburgh was not in the initial plan, but when Ion made me look at some of the photographs of the city's night sky...
... not going crazy (or feeling jealous, again) was out of my control. The team gladly accepted the idea of going via Pittsburgh and once on one of those inclines, it was one hell of a view. It made me recall my weakness for the silhouette of a city's skyline. It was lost somewhere but standing there at midnight, I was glad to get that good old affection back.
Talking about loud, I know people were shouting vowels at the top of their voices, but all I could hear was that non-stop roar coming from somewhere very close. Finally, the boat turned and the colours started to come back - blue, white, white, blue. Taking advantage of this fact, I looked up once more only to be pinned to the believe we clearly are a boat-full of nothings in front of this over swollen line of flowing water which happened to cross a suddenly lower piece of land. Phahh!!
After the Maid of the Mist ride was over, we went up a stair-case constructed on the body of the cliff. It was an opportunity for the viewing the swollen momentum with which every drop of water falls off into that mist created just under it. It is like a regular explosion somewhere behind that curtain of water. But other than listening to my imaginary explosions, there was one more sound to notice - the absence of an English speaking voice anywhere near. To my observation, every other person was speaking in one or the other Indian language (if not in Spanish).
After some seriously over lighted and over darkened photos of our faces there, we came back and used the elevator to go up to the highest (American) point to the see the fall. We went up, stood there, and there is was in all its glory.
The water coming up to the cliff like a disciplined army band, then falling off the cliff into the dazzling mist with the last thought of being able to fly and finally the milky trail on the rocks and still water at the bottom like the bride's gown following her when she walks the aisle. All that echoed in my ears while standing there were the last words the captain said on the Maid of the Mist boat when the boat was closest to the fall "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Niagara Falls."
But my oddly poetic side had to wait. The experience of the Cave of the Winds was still due. And that is one experience that does not odd create poets. It creates rock stars and vikings (for a few minutes). Okay! That was an exaggeration... but you can see my point, right? Wearing a yellow poncho and rubber kiitos, we went into the falling water. I don't think I was any wetter in my life till that day. It was crazy, it was mind blowing. The gust of wind that comes straight at you with those piercing shells of water (by units of gallons) - the helplessness only craves more. And that's precisely what we five did - "Once More... Once More" were our only words every time we were "finally" leaving that ruthless cove of wind and water. We were wet to our bones, but all we wanted was more.
Sorry, I don't have any picture of us (our faces) when were at the Cave of the Winds (it was impossible). But honestly, this is the place where I had determined to revive this blog after a year of gap.
We went back to the same highest platform and waited for sundown when red yellow blue pink... all these lights were supposed to be thrown on the fall. We waited and waited but it never happened. But we were not due for a total disappointment.
[for some reason, seems to be over sharpening the night(er) photos So, posting more of a twilight-ish photo] |
We were back by our night sleep time. The trip was like a satisfaction to my soul on so many levels (jealousy, photographs, blah blah blah)... and to top all the reasons, it made me re-ignite this blog. Thanks to the "once more" at the Cave of the Winds.
Till next time,
1 comment:
Good description of the Niagara trip.
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