HE LIIIIVES.!!!! More like a Frankenstienish pleasure came out of me when I felt the same Mr. P in me while going out on little weekend out with my family. We went to Digha.!
I preferred listening to Enya in my ipod while roaming in the beach but that Mr. P in my told me "dude.! pull up your sleeves.. get that damn clicking device out and let me work.!"
I asked him (with big watery): "Enya??"
He said, checking the battery charge level in the camera (and not sparing a look at my big watery eyes), "Take it... it will add to the mood.!"
Well... so there were we, out again, alone, again in a sunset. Here are a few results on which Mr. P was happier than the rest:
Mr. P had two very different colours of light in front of him and behind him... This golden one was in teh West side of the beach.! He called it, out of shear reflex, ABSOLUTE GOLD, PERIOD.
The next one was a few moment before the above one was taken ... on the same side of the beach... (Mr. P and me realised that its really strange how the rays of the sun changes its colors in such beautiful places.. it hardly happens in the cities.!!!)
Anyway here is the next one. he calles it THE SANGAM. Quite sarcastic if you see... the sky seems to meet with the land and the water, the water meets with the sun, the sand seems to hold the sun and waves think they have reached the shore but nothing is actually there.!
Enough talk, next one was very tough to get. Mr. P had to use a full 10x Op-Zoom and a steady hand to get just the correct image. It was on the east side of the beach.

Mr. P, after he took this picture, examined it, and made sure that the faces are out of bounds of recognition. This was Mr. P's first (copyrights protected) snap which had so much emptyness yet was flooded with so much of emotion. He smiled a little after this click and called it ONLY.!
Me and Mr. P came back from the beach for the day. Next day, me, mom and dad went out for a little sightseeing. (I had Mr. P inside my jacket.!). While our car was crusing on the beach of Mandarmoni, I got this:
Mr. P took this picture from a running (and vibrating) vehicle, from behind the windsheild. This added to the effect... a blurry look came in the picture which gave it a fine glow. Mr. P calls this picture SOLITUDE
Mr. P had a few more pictures of the beaches that he liked but for some reason I am not posting them now.
One more thing I learnt, Enya sounds absolutely mind blowing, even to a highly-non-classical person like me, when you are roaming in a beach, capturing the world around you, with Mr. P!
Cheers.! :)
the 2nd pic is nice...which beach?
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