Other than the wilderness of the city itself, there is a dedicated area in Kolkata for those stunningly beautiful creations of God called animals. That area known as the Alipur Zoo. (and... Mr.P wanted some 'wildlife photography' in his cards and a zoo was the best option when only a couple of hours are there to spare)
The plan was by Sayani to spend the holiday of our Republic Day in the zoo. She is the twin sister of Saunak (yes, the same one!). Another very old and dear, Sumana joined us. But unfortunately, Saunak had to finish some urgent work and he could not be part of the little time out.
Mr.P has tried not to get the cages and bars in his photographs. But at places he was helpless (high cages, stuffy crowd, dust, insufficient camera zoom, mood of the animals, etc.)
Okay, enough of the preface. Lets get on with Mr.P's collection of the day. It was 11:45 am when we were inside the zoo premises.

Next was a remainder that we had two bottles of Coke in my bag and two packets of pop-corns with us. We started with them and came here.

When we reached the next animal, it was showing the entire crowd in front of its cage its... well... "back side". But later it changed its position a little.

I don't know but due to some "unknown" reason, Sumana was getting very curious to get to the monkeys and apes. We reached near the Chimpanzee's area, but it was not outside its shelter. We walked on and reached the other cages.

Next is the one for which Sayani found the perfect spot for Mr.P to shoot. he was at a different place, but he ran down to the new found area around the boundary to get this shot.

Then came the animal which features behind the 10 rupees currency note and 25 paisa coin of India and is an enlisted endangered species.

Well, apologies first. The Royal Bengal Tiger was not out of its (fully covered) shelter, so no opportunity for Mr.P to shoot it. Although, a close cousin of it was in a mood for a stroll in the winter afternoon sun.

But one lady was surely out and was enjoying the mild sun. Mr.P is sorry for not being able to avoid the cage in this next shot.

Next was a bird. Honestly speaking, even a decade ago, I was not as tall as this bird in its fully standing position. Its not an Ostrich (there was a zoom problem and the ostriches turned out to be camera shy, so no ostrich pic).

Then was this shot. Something that was not shot by Mr.P but by Sayani. The animal was too far away for even a full 10x zoom.

Now for the most intelligent group after the ones who were outside the cages. There were three, and were in a slightly playful mood.

Now for the most idiotic one. Although Mr.P can blame it on the thick crowd in his left and right. Moving along the Jaguar and Panther cages, Mr. had to somehow hold his hand high and shoot.

Initially, the next animal was not visible to the eyes. But later a few shouts of "there it is, there it is" revealed its position. Only the mouth of the animal was not open, or else it would have made a typical Nat Geo frame.

In the next one also, there were bars which were possible to be avoided only by a helicopter shot (so, it was not avoided by Mr.P today!). When we reached this area, a weird calmness came upon all of us.

We moved out after some more time. No doubt the day was great. I went to the zoo after almost a decade and still found the same magic working in me as I had always remembered it to work. Also I am lucky enough to have this "Mr.P" to accompany me now-a-days! :)
Please let us know about your thoughts about this post. We would be really glad to know if you still feel the same way about the zoo as you did when you were a child.
Bye for now :)