The clarity of these pictures is pathetic as they are from a mere 2MP mobile camera. So now you know what not to expect from the pictures of this post.! (the pictures here have been made a little eye friendly and also have been made to throw out their best)
Mr. P snapped three pictures, but my grandpa was so engrossed in the subject of that page, he didn’t notice. He still has no idea that he has reached you and you also have seen him when he was busy with HIS HOBBY.!
Coffee in my office is one of the rare few free entities. And another best side of the pantry is that it is in the fourth floor and has large glass walls.
In that July evening, the sky was looking very welcomingly red. Mr.P and I, both, just love this time and decided to call the picture above what it meant: SIX P.M, FINALLY.
At Kolkata July was fairly rainy. The picture below is of one those days when I hadn’t brought any umbrella to my office (yes... its a snap from the same pantry).
I took it to show one of my colleagues how badly it is going to rain IN A FEW MINUTES and how even more badly I needed an umbrella. You can see the reflection of my mobile’s camera here in this pic.
The picture below is of the LANE WHERE I LIVE.
There is nothing so special about this picture other than a fact that to take this picture, Mr.P (and my body) were standing OUTSIDE the terrace boundary railing, over the shades of the windows of the second floor (which means a slip, and my body falls like a rock from two storeys). Please don’t tell my mom about it.!
Kolkata is growing, both horizontally and vertically. Sourav da, being a boy from BaghBazar (a typically north Kolkata locality) chose to take a home at Garia (the southernmost tip of present Kolkata). I had gone to his place that afternoon.
When I asked him about his such a choice, Neogi Aunty (his mother) took me to the roof and gave me this breathtaking and peaceful view of their NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD. The reason became clear.! (can you listen to the birds chirruping?)
The holidays of 15th August, I try to spend them with my parents at Jamshedpur. And this year also I was successful. While going to the place, I went and stood near the train COMPARTMENT DOOR.
The morning rain had just finished and the smell of wet soil was... just so... fresh (a brilliant understatement for what it actually felt like, forgive my vocab.)
Came September end, and my workload in office increased ten folds. Four of us colleagues had to stay in the office 24x7 for five days (and nights). The office guest house was booked for us to stay.
That morning, at about six fifteen, I was coming back after my longest nap of two and half hours when I looked up to see my OFFICE AT SIX AM. May be its not that bad a place after all.
After that hectic phase in the office, I was to leave for Kerala (as you might already have known by now that I really had gone to that place). The journey was of three days two nights.
All the ‘bloggable’ pics that were taken in Kerala are in the post just below this one. While coming back, I had slept in the topmost bunk and when I woke on the second morning in the train, this is the first thing which caught my eyes, just across the commutation passage.
I don’t know who she is or what she does. All I knew was, Mr. P took out my mobile, checked the surrounding for any watchful stare, and Click.! Sorry MISS. WHOEVER-YOU-ARE for not informing you about your picture in such deep expression, I just couldn’t.!
And finally, when I was back in the battle of survival (called work life), I was amused to learn that it hardly matters to Mr. P if I am on my way back home at nine thirty at night or not. He is ever enthusiastic as ever to borrow a moment from the time and space around him.
I used to notice that this man (yes, the lump in the footpath is a person) rests at the same place every night. Mr. P was a little hesitant to take a snap of him from a crowded bus... but he did it anyway. The person is in his COMFORT ZONE in spite of such a rushing and complaining world around him.
I hope it doesn't end here. Mr. P is even more desparate now for better pictures. Dont worry, I will keep you informed of whatever he does.
Do let him know all what you think about the pictures through your comments below. It will help him.
Till then, cheers.! :)